I was born on August 28, 1985 in Maipú, Mendoza, Argentina. Son of an Italian mother and an Argentine father. As my parents were hairdressers, I grew up among curlers, combs and scissors, this profession becoming a passion, reaching the point of almost becoming obsessed with learning all possible techniques and cuts. Learning path that took me to Europe at the end of 2004, specifically to Spain where I continued training and working in various hairdressers. Later I continued with my search for knowledge in other European countries such as France, Italy, Switzerland and Portugal. In these 18 years I have worked as a hairdresser and trainer for such prestigious firms as Marco Aldany, Jean Louis David, Tony & Guy, Jacques Dessange, among others. I am currently a manager training at Hey Joe! I pomade and develop my work mainly as a barber teacher. Fortunately I can say that throughout my career I have trained thousands of hairdressers and barbers from all continents.





The barbershop, more than a profession is a way of life. Close contact with clients allows you to get to know people more deeply and absorb knowledge from them, in addition, the barbershop allows you to express yourself artistically with almost absolute freedom.

Dedicating myself to training has opened the doors to new paths and has given me the opportunity to pass on knowledge that has been handed down to me from generation to generation. It is a way of leaving a small mark on each of the people who attend my courses, it is as if a part of me went with them and accompanies them the rest of the way. There is no greater satisfaction than seeing a person arrive enthusiastic about learning this wonderful profession and then leave with the knowledge that has taken me so much time and effort to obtain. Seeing my students develop in the barbershop and sharing with them is the best reward I could get.

For me, teaching is not just telling them how to do a haircut, it is teaching them to respect and care for this profession, it is transmitting the passion and love that they must put into each job, admiring the beauty and potential found in a simple mass. of hair. Teach them to realize the power we have to make a person feel better with their self-esteem and therefore better with everything else.


It will be difficult for us to get to where we have proposed if we do not know and appreciate where we come from.

I come from an Argentine and Italian family, both cultures with a strong sense of tradition and deep respect for our customs and way of thinking, just like the barbershop, which has a long tradition and history. I wanted to express my respect, appreciation and my interest in preserving traditions with LEANDRO VALDEZ as a personal brand, transmitting in my work everything that I carry with me.

The logo that I have decided to represent me is a slightly more artistic adaptation of the Guarda Pampa, an ornamental motif that comes from the ancient Mapuches who inhabited the Argentine Pampas.

The staggered cross means the union in diversity, it evokes the complementarity of opposite praises, of those who are different from each other. Well, each individual is as he is and has his own light. Therefore, each white dot present inside the cross symbolizes the soul, the very essence of being.

In addition, the four points present on the cross represent the Southern Cross, a constellation that can only be seen in the southern hemisphere and that served the Mapuches as a permanent guide in the heavens. It is for all this that I found in her the ideal emblem to represent me, with the continuing hope that she, like my culture and betrayals, are the ones that guide me on this path.